Are you a health and wellness expert, or do you want to be? This is a huge field, as more and more people realize they are in charge of their health and seeking ways to improve their own health and boost their immune systems. The Wellness Network Marketing niche has many choices to offer for those who wish to make health and wellness their business. You can choose from businesses that sell products to make us look good, to products that are supplements to items that help us get exercise. You need to decide which ones will be right for you.
What area of wellness fits in with your vision for business? buy cordyceps If you are all about physical wellness, look at Beach Body, they offer products that go along with their very successful work out routines. Read through the testimonies of the distributors for them, they do very well. Perhaps you are more of the supplement minded, and then you can look at a company like Herbalife or Shaklee. If you want a company that offers products for overall wellness, look at Amway or Melaleuca. Talk with people who represent these companies, find out their philosophies. You only want to join up with one that offers the philosophy in which you believe.
If you are looking for wellness network marketing companies that have been around a long time check out Shaklee who is 56 years old and GNLD who are 58 years old. Then there is Amway at 53 years, NSA Juice Plus at 42 years, Nature’s Sunshine, and Legal Shield have been around for 40 years. There are a great number of others who have 30 and 20 years of being in business too. You can see from this how well established they are, and how well their distributors must be doing to stick with it for the long run.
If you are looking to help new startup companies, you are in luck because there are several new wellness network marketing companies too. Why bother with a younger company? It may be easier to climb up in the ranks, being among the first to start building down lines. Many of the established companies are at least 10 years old; those may offer more room at the top, while the older ones, though established, may be saturated. Some companies like Avon, are “new” to network marketing but have been around for ages, so a company like that you have the benefit of a recognizable brand name.
Whichever wellness network marketing company you choose, make sure you do your homework and learn all you can about the company, compensation plan, period for advancement, number of satisfied distributors and customers and such. You want to have passion about your business, and you need to believe in the company in which you represent. The more passion and belief you have, the better you will thrive as a distributor. Take advantage of the free training each company offers and most of all, enjoy growing your business.