Omega is the more expensive brand of the two brands, but it’s also arguably better quality.
Omega has a longer warranty period than Green Star – 15 years vs 10 years.
Omega provides 3 different types of nozzles for its auger: 1) homogenizing; 2) pasta extrusion; and 3) homogenizing and frozen desserts. Green star only comes with one nozzle (juicing).
Both brands will extract juice from leafy greens. However, because the screen size of an omega is much smaller than a Green Star, many consider that you won’t receive as much juice or as fine of a puree/pulp with an Omega as you would with Green Star. (You may be able to push produce through if the chute size allows, but you should never have to force produce.
Omega’s pitcher is clear plastic. Green Star’s pitcher is glass. There are two main reasons for this: 1) Plastic can cloud/discolor after a while – especially if you place it in the dishwasher or hand wash it with hot water. 2) Plastic may leach into your juice over time. Glass doesn’t have either of these drawbacks.
Some consider that producing juice with an Omega takes longer than required by Green Star due to the 1) smaller feed-tube, and 2) more work involved in pushing produce down towards the auger (as opposed to just dropping it into Green Star).
Both brands are reported to be very quiet.
Speed: Omega is faster than Green Star due to the aforementioned reasons. However, some argue that slow speed equals greater juice yield and thus juicier pulp overall (although most say pulp with either juicer is about the same).
Some argue that Green Star produces better juice than Omega because it extracts more water from leafy greens/grasses which means less fluid ounces required to yield a cup of juice – and therefore less left behind in the pulp bin.
Both brands are reported as mulching their leftover product; however Omega is said to do this better by several accounts (including the inventor of the Norwalk).
They both produce good juice and at relatively equal speeds. The Omega does seem to produce slightly thicker juice – but if you are juicing mostly leafy greens, this may not be the best juicer to buy. If you like your juice very thick (especially apple/carrot/beet), then Omega will give that; otherwise Green Star.
Bottom line:
they’re both good machines and you can’t go wrong with either purchase!
For more detailed information about these two juicers, read our comparison review article. We’ve done all the research for you so that you don’t have to!